8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mountain


We apply Kynar® PVDF, ETFE 1020™, Halar® ECTFE,
PFA and FEP Coatings.

Chemical Storage Tanks
In 1982 we invented the first Halar® ECTFE
coating greater than 1mm in thickness.
UPW Storage Tanks
In 2017 we produced the first Kynar® PVDF coating greater than 3mm, up to 6-10mm in thickness.
Chemical Resistant Coatings
FRP lined rotary drum filter failed after less than 1 year of service
Halar Coated Fume Hoods
A Thick Kynar® PVDF coating replaced the failed FRP lining in HCI service
Kynar adhesion testing
Our Kynar® PVDF primer adhesion strength exceeds 2,000 psi per ASTM D4541
Powder Coatings
Kynar® PVDF Coated Glovebox for a nuclear laboratory.
Lined Steel Tanks
We replace failed rubber and urethane linings with Kynar® PVDF

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